Thursday 30 November 2017


In academy of martial arts we believe that child’s total well being. Both psychological and physical can be simultaneously. The physical exercise and martial arts training improve your child’s general health and improves emotional health with increased self-confidence also help to decreased tension, stress and depression
  • Here are some useful benefits of our martial arts programs for your child:-
  •  Self-Defense – The Academy of Martial Arts have trained for many years to make sure everything we teach is reality based. We have trained under some of the best martial artists and dedicated on the realistic martial arts training. Your child still in the developmental stage of their life and focus only on the basics of our Martial Arts like proper exercise, punching, kicking, blocking and evasion techniques.
  • Teamwork and Social Interaction –In this time develop an understanding and a confidence to work with others. In academy of martial arts our activity based on curriculum and teamwork. We always teach your child that we work together in the dojo at home or in the school.
Sijo Larry Sanders
Tips Of Martial Arts For Your Child
  • Self-Control and Good Decision Making - Self-control refers to the training gives some basic tasks and adopts a particular pattern of behavior even rather be doing something else. When your child has learned to listen to mom and dad. We have to work on this skill set every single day.
  • Physical Fitness and Healthy Living – It is very important for children to understand the importance of being healthy and physically fit an early age. If you want to become martial artist then you have to important to fit in the life. In academy of martial arts we give tips of importance of good eating and physical fitness activities.
  • Stranger Awareness and Personal Safety – We talk about home safety, traffic, fire safety and strangers in age-appropriate way. Three year old child can’t understand that type of things. As your child gets older they will learn the difference between meeting someone when his parents are present.
    Sijo Larry Sanders
    Ways Of Martial Arts For Your Child
  • Respect –The most important words in martial arts is respect. Our staff spend time in class discussing the importance of respecting school teachers and parents. A child social behavior should be directly linked to his martial arts class. Our program is about personal growth and becoming a better person.
  • Smile, Laugh and Having Fun – We learned a long time ago that when kids learn faster when they are having fun. Martial art training requires an element of fun and games which keeping children interested in these activities.
  • Sijo Larry Sanders is the owner of Nei Wai Chia Kung Fu who specializes in combat practices, self defense, military and law enforcement. 

Friday 17 November 2017

Sijo Larry Sanders - Tips of Martial Arts to Overcome Fear

If you want to learn martial arts and also want to become the master in self defense, then you have to find a lot of things to learn from techniques to combat positions and discipline. The most important things that a martial artist needs to combat is the fear during fights. One of the most important qualities of martial art is its ability to make this self improvement tangible

Sijo Larry Sanders
Tips of Martial Arts
However, fear can be a hindrance of a good fight and when it comes to martial arts and it motivates you to perform well. You may have learned every detail and technique in your martial arts class, but you may find it in a different light to be in an actual fight when fear sets in.

If you are a martial artist and want to overcome fear during your fights, then there are some important step which can help you to overcome this fear and allow you to engage in martial art competition, how to find this fear can be advantageous as well.

Sijo Larry Sanders
How to Overcome Fear with Martial Arts
It is good for you that you are always prepared. If you have a big fight coming, then you have to do, the more practice rather than your opponent. This will help you to build stamina and confidence. If you think that your opponents just did a few weeks training, and then push your limits for more than that. Underestimating your opponent may put you in a situation where you will get surprised on how much your opponent has prepared and that alone can send fear into your system during the actual fight, so it is the best to prepare well and build self confidence beforehand.

When you are facing challenges in the fight and even if you can’t totally get rid of fear then and there, then you can use your fear to overpower your opponent. Don’t think about your fear and focusing on intimidating your opponent can be your strategy to condition to get rid of fear.

You have to know your strength and weakness. This can help you enumerating your strength and motivate yourself more and of course. If you know your strength, then you can use this to build more self confidence and eliminate fear from your system. Don’ care about your opponent’s strengths and cause you more anxious.

Sijo Larry Sanders is the owner of Nei Wai Chia Kung Fu who specializes in combat practices, self defense, military and law enforcement.

If want to get more information related to it, then you can directly reach out to us. We would like to resolve your problem.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Sijo Larry Sanders - Things to Consider While Choosing a Martial Arts School

If you are a parent and wanting to send your child up in martial arts classes or whether you are interested in training yourself, the principles in choosing a martial arts school are the same. For this, you have to decide what you want to gain by taking martial arts and after that you should have to find the best school and instructor that best match that need.

Tips which you Have to Consider:-

Sijo Larry Sanders
Things to Consider While Choosing a Martial Arts School
Decide Clearly What you Expected of You or Your Child To Gain From Martial Arts Training- There are several reasons for wanting to take up martial arts training. There are several benefits that martial art training has to offer. Here are some of them. Self Defense
  • ·         Develop Self Confidence
  • ·         Lose Weight
  • ·         Gain Flexibility and Coordination
  • ·         Acquire More Discipline

Martial art training offers all above opportunity, but you also try to find the some other which is important to you.

Sijo Larry Sanders
How to Choose Martial Art School
Find the Best School and Instructor According to Your Needs: - Once you decide what you want from your training, then the other thing is to consider the right place. There are numerous things which have to consider while choosing a school. You should have to consider things like; finding the right instructor, the cleanliness, distance of the school, the piece for classes, finding a suitable style of martial art and safety considerations.

Check the Instructor personally: - You should realize that a big factor in choosing the right school is really choosing the right instructor. You have to check the instructor’s personality and teaching style. Be sure to visit the school, meet the instructor and have a look around.

What Style of Martial Art Should I Choose? - It depends upon your goals. If your main goal is a cardio alternative and not about self – defense, improving your self confidence than a typical “cardio kickboxing” class at your local health spa might be just the thing for you. If you are interested in preserving an old oriental art form with some little self defense than a traditional kung fu, karate, or tae kwon do school would suit you.

How Far away is the School? – The best school in the world is that if it is too far away for you to make classes regularly. Consider the traffic as well. Also check the schedule of school and be sure that you are able to attend comfortably at least two times per week. It is necessary to pay attention to the duration of the classes.

Sijo Larry Sanders is a Martial Artist in Texas who has several years who has great knowledge about the techniques of Wing Chun.

If you want to get more information related to it, then you can directly reach out to us. We would like to resolve your problem.